Exam Code | 312-38 |
Exam Name | Certified Network Defender (CND) |
Questions | 345 Questions Answers With Explanation |
Update Date | December 01,2024 |
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Quality is the heart of our service that's why we offer our students real exam questions with 100% passing assurance in the first attempt. Our 312-38 dumps PDF have been carved by the experienced experts exactly on the model of real exam question answers in which you are going to appear to get your certification.
The CEO of Max Rager wants to send a confidential message regarding the new formula for its coveted soft drink, SuperMax, to its manufacturer in Texas. However, he fears the message could be altered in transit. How can he prevent this incident from happening and what element of the message ensures the success of this method?
A. Hashing; hash code
B. Symmetric encryption; secret key
C. Hashing; public key
D. Asymmetric encryption; public key
Disaster Recovery is a
A. Operation-centric strategy
B. Security-centric strategy
C. Data-centric strategy
D. Business-centric strategy
Phishing-like attempts that present users a fake usage bill of the cloud provider is an example of a:
A. Cloud to service attack surface
B. User to service attack surface
C. User to cloud attack surface
D. Cloud to user attack surface
In MacOS, how can the user implement disk encryption?
A. By enabling BitLocker feature
B. By executing dm-crypt command
C. By turning on Device Encryption feature
D. By enabling FileVault feature
Which of the following statements holds true in terms of virtual machines?
A. Hardware-level virtualization takes place in VMs
B. OS-level virtualization takes place in VMs
C. All VMs share the host OS
D. VMs are light weight than containers
Which of the following creates passwords for individual administrator accounts and stores them in Windows AD?
John has implemented _________ in the network to restrict the number of public IP addresses in his organization and to enhance the firewall filtering technique.
B. Proxies
Mark is monitoring the network traffic on his organization's network. He wants to detect TCP and UDP ping sweeps on his network. Which type of filter will be used to detect this?
A. tcp.dstport==7 and udp.srcport==7
B. tcp.srcport==7 and udp.dstport==7
C. tcp.dstport==7 and udp.dstport==7
D. tcp.srcport==7 and udp.srcport==7
Docker provides Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) through ________ and delivers containerized software packages.
A. Server-level virtualization
B. Network-level virtualization
C. OS-level virtualization
D. Storage-level virtualization
Which of the following is NOT an AWS Shared Responsibility Model devised by AWS?
A. Shared Responsibility Model for Container Services
B. Shared Responsibility Model for Infrastructure Services
C. Shared Responsibility Model for Abstract Services
D. Shared Responsibility Model for Storage Services
If an organization has decided to consume PaaS Cloud service model, then identify the organization's responsibility that they need to look after based on shared responsibility model.
A. Data, interfaces, application, etc.
B. Data, interfaces, application, middleware, OS, VM, virtual network, etc.
C. Data, interfaces, application, middleware, OS, VM, virtual network, hypervisors, processing and memory, data storage, network interfaces, facilities and data centers, etc.
D. Data, interfaces, etc.
Syslog and SNMP are the two main _______ protocols through which log records are transferred.
A. Pull-based
B. Push-based
C. Host-based
D. Network-based
Peter works as a network administrator at an IT company. He wants to avoid exploitation of the cloud, particularly Azure services. Which of the following is a group of PowerShell scripts designed to help the network administrator understand how attacks happen and help them protect the cloud?
A. POSH-Sysmon
B. MicroBurst
C. SecurityPolicyDsc
D. Sysmon
Which BC/DR activity includes action taken toward resuming all services that are dependent on businesscritical applications?
A. Response
B. Recovery
C. Resumption
D. Restoration
The _________ mechanism works on the basis of a client-server model.
A. Push-based
B. Host-based
C. Pull-based
D. Network-based
Which subdirectory in /var/log directory stores information related to Apache web server?
A. /var/log/maillog/
B. /var/log/httpd/
C. /var/log/apachelog/
D. /var/log/lighttpd/
Which of the following entities is responsible for cloud security?
A. Cloud consumer
B. Cloud provider
C. Both cloud consumer and provider
D. Cloud broker
Byron, a new network administrator at FBI, would like to ensure that Windows PCs there are up-to-date and have less internal security flaws. What can he do?
A. Centrally assign Windows PC group policies
B. Dedicate a partition on HDD and format the disk using NTFS
C. Download and install latest patches and enable Windows Automatic Updates
D. Install antivirus software and turn off unnecessary services
Which of the following statement holds true in terms of containers?
A. Container requires more memory space
B. Each container runs in its own OS
C. Container is fully isolated; hence, more secure
D. Process-level isolation happens; a container in hence less secure
Damian is the chief security officer of Enigma Electronics. To block intruders and prevent any environmental accidents, he needs to set a two-factor authenticated keypad lock at the entrance, rig a fire suppression system, and link any video cameras at various corridors to view the feeds in the surveillance room. What layer of network defense-in-depth strategy is he trying to follow?
A. Physical
B. Perimeter
C. Policies and procedures
D. Host