Exam Code | KCNA |
Exam Name | Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) |
Questions | 126 Questions Answers With Explanation |
Update Date | September 02,2024 |
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What are the two goals of Cloud-Native?
A. Rapid innovation and automation
B. Slow innovation and stable applications
C. Frequent deployments and well-defined organizational silos
D. Rapid innovation and reliability
Which authentication method allows JWTs to authenticate?
A. OpenId connect
B. Client 'TLS' certificates
C. OPA gatekeeper
D. Anonymous
What framework allows developers to write code without worrying about the servers and operating systems they will run on?
A. Virtualization
B. Docker
C. Serverless
D. Kubernetes
What is the name for the tool that manages communication between pods, injects a sidecar proxy container into each pod and directs network traffic through the proxy container?
A. namespace
B. Deployment
C. Network policy
D. Service mesh
E. Service
How would you return all the pod data in the json format using kubectl command?
A. kubectl get pods -o json
B. kubectl get pods --all-namspaces
C. kubectl get pods -o wide
D. kubectl get pods -o jsonpath
Which CNCF project is the dominant project with respect to container registries
A. Envoy
B. Harbor
C. Kubernetes
D. Rook
What is not semantic versioning?
A. 1.0.0
B. 2022-05-04
C. 1.0.0-alpha
D. 1.0.0-beta.2
Which of the following is not a stop on the cloud native trailmap?
A. Microservices
C. Containerization
D. Software distribution
What is a commonly used package manager for kubernetes applications?
A. npm
B. apt
C. helm
D. kubernetes manifest
What is the main difference between Argo vs. Flux CD?
A. Argo is pull-based, and Flux is push-based
B. No difference; both are pull-based
C. Argo is push-based, and Flux is pull-based
D. No difference; both are push-based
Which style of operations are preferred for kubernetes and cloud-native applications?
A. Imperative
B. None of the above
C. Declarative
How can you achieve cost optimization in the cloud environment?
A. Use On Demand instances
B. Use Spot Instances
C. Use Reserved Instances
D. Use Bare Metal
The Kubernetes API provides an interface for storing objects. Which of the following describes the type of objects stored by the Kubernetes API?
A. Containers
What is a benefits of Kubernetes federation?
A. Avoids scalability limits on pods and nodes
B. Creates highly available clusters in different regions
C. Low latency
Which part of a Kubernetes cluster is responsible for running container workloads?
A. Worker Node
B. kube-proxy
C. Control plane
E. etcd
Which of the following is NOT a Kubernetes component?
A. Scheduler
B. Docker
C. Cloud Controller manager
D. Kube-proxy
How should folks new to the cloud native ecosystem, go about learning the different aspects of the ecosystem?
A. by signing up the CNCF slack
B. by reading the Kubernetes documentation
C. by looking at the cloud native landscape
D. by looking at the cloud native trail-map
Which style of operations are preferred for K8S and cloud native applications?
B. Declarative
C. Imperative
Observability and monitoring are not the same?
A. True
B. False
Which of the following best describes a cloud-native app?
A. An application where all logic is coded into a single large binary.
B. An application that publishes an HTTPS web front-end.
C. An application that takes advantages of cloud computing fromworks and their loosely coupled
cloud services.
D. An application that leverages services that are native to public cloud platforms such as Azure, GCP,
and/or AWS.