Exam Code | C_BOBIP_41 |
Exam Name | SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.3 |
Questions | 96 Questions Answers With Explanation |
Update Date | September 02,2024 |
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You want to grant a group of users the right to create, save, modify, and refresh Web Intelligence documents. You assign View on Demand access to the universes.For which additional object types must you set permissions?Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Application
B. Category
C. Event
D. Connection
E. Folder
User1 scheduled, ran, and viewed the first page of an instance of a Crystal report. User2 can view the first page of the report as well. However, when User2 tries to view the second page of the report, an error message is displayed.Which server could be the cause?
A. Input File Repository Server
B. Crystal Reports Processing Server
C. Crystal Reports Job Server
D. Crystal Reports Cache Server
You can view a Crystal report and refresh it when viewing it on the BI launch pad. However, this report fails when the system runs a schedule request.What could be the reason?
A. The database connection in the report does not match the one on the Adaptive Job Server.
B. The database client software is not installed on the Crystal Reports Processing Server.
C. The database client software is not installed on the Report Application Server.
D. The database connection in the report does not match the one on the Crystal Reports Processing Server.
Which server is used to view and modify Crystal reports with the SAP Crystal Reports Server embedded Software Development Kit (SDK)?Please choose the correct answer.
A. Crystal Reports 2013 Processing Server
B. Crystal Reports Processing Server
C. Crystal Reports 2013 Report Application Server
D. Crystal Reports Cache Server
A scheduled Web Intelligence document failed.Which of the following servers could be the cause of this problem?Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Web Application Server
B. Adaptive Processing Server
C. Adaptive Job Server
D. Web Intelligence Processing Server
E. Output File Repository Server
Users are not able to launch the Monitoring application on the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform.What should you check to troubleshoot this?
A. Whether the Java Application Server has run out of memory
B. Whether the users are added to the Content Publisher groups
C. Whether the entered license keys are valid for the monitoring application
D. Whether the appropriate version of Adobe Flash Player is installed
A user wants to create Web Intelligence documents. However, the necessary option is not available on the BI launch pad.What could be the reason?
A. The user does not have rights to use the Universe connection.
B. The object level security in the Universe is not set to the appropriate level.
C. The user does not have rights to use the Universe.
D. The user does not have rights to use the Web Intelligence application.
Which object is retrieved from the Input File Repository Server when you refresh a Web Intelligence document?Please choose the correct answer.
A. Hyperlink
B. Universe
C. Business View
D. Publication
Which of the following steps will help you test whether the installation of the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform was successful?Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Create a project in the Information Design Tool.
B. Schedule and view a report.
C. Launch the Dashboard Design application.
D. Log onto the Central Management Console.
There is a top-level folder called "Sales." This folder has two sub-folders "Asia" and "Europe." You move a document from the "Asia" folder to the "Europe" folder.What happens to the rights for this document by default?Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Rights from the "Europe" folder are applied to the document rights.
B. Rights specified on the document are inherited from the "Sales" folder.
C. Rights specified on the document are unchanged.
D. Rights inherited from the "Asia" folder are retained for the document.
User A designs a document and exports it to a public folder on the business intelligence platform. User B moves the document to a different folder. User C schedules the document. User D opens the latest instance of the document.At this point, who is the owner of the instance?
A. User D
B. User A
C. User C
D. User B
On a business intelligence platform, the following values can be assigned to rights:uk.co.certification.simulator.questionpool.PList@7f7cc80Which of the following calculations of effective rights is correct?
A. G + D + NS = D
B. G + NS + NS = NS
C. G + D + G = G
D. D + NS + G = NS
Three user groups have one custom access level defined for a specific folder. The security requirements have been changed. Now, each of these three groups requires different rights to access the folder.How can you achieve this?
A. Use different predefined access levels for each group and apply them to the folder.
B. Use a predefined access level for each group and apply it to the folder.
C. Make two copies of the existing access level, modify them, and apply them to the folder.
D. Modify the access level to allow each group to access the folder.
What belongs in a content management plan?Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Servers
B. Categories
C. Folders
D. Nodes
E. Users and groups
Which of the following rights are granted on the predefined access level "Schedule"?Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Delete instances that the user owns.
B. View document instances.
C. Refresh the report's data.
D. Modify the rights users have to objects.
E. Copy objects to another folder.
What is the difference between the predefined access levels "View" and "View on Demand"?
A. View on Demand includes "Refresh report's data", View does not.
B. View includes "Export report's data", View on Demand does not.
C. View on Demand includes "Send to email destination", View does not.
D. View includes "View Document Instances", View on Demand does not.
What should you consider when creating a content plan?Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. The specific rights for folders and objects
B. The server groups required
C. The profiles needed for report distribution
D. The organization of users into groups
What do you have to consider when defining an instance management plan?Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. The duration period for retaining instances
B. The maximum number of retained instances
C. The available storage space on the Input File Repository Server
D. The number of job servers generating instances
What should you include in a disaster recovery plan for the business intelligence platform?Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Customized code on the Web Application Server
B. Registry settings of the Central Management Server
C. .pid files for processing servers
D. Contents of File Repository Servers
E. Backup of the system database
What can you do using the Upgrade Management tool?
A. Convert Desktop Intelligence documents to Web Intelligence documents.
B. Import users from BusinessObjects Enterprise.
C. Update a Crystal Report from a previous version to the current version.
D. Change the system database to a different type.