Exam Code | SPLK-1003 |
Exam Name | Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin |
Questions | 182 Questions Answers With Explanation |
Update Date | September 02,2024 |
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Which configuration file would be used to forward the Splunk internal logs from a search head to the indexer?
A. props.conf
B. inputs.conf
C. outputs.conf
D. collections.conf
All search-time field extractions should be specified on which Splunk component?
A. Deployment server
B. Universal forwarder
C. Indexer
D. Search head
What is the command to reset the fishbucket for one source?
A. rm -r ~/splunkforwarder/var/lib/splunk/fishbucket
B. splunk clean eventdata -index _thefishbucket
C. splunk cmd btprobe -d SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/fishbucket/splunk_private_db --
file --reset
D. splunk btool fishbucket reset
Which of the following is the use case for the deployment server feature of Splunk?
A. Managing distributed workloads in a Splunk environment.
B. Automating upgrades of Splunk forwarder installations on endpoints.
C. Orchestrating the operations and scale of a containerized Splunk deployment.
D. Updating configuration and distributing apps to processing components, primarily
User role inheritance allows what to be inherited from the parent role? (select all that apply)
A. Parents
B. Capabilities
C. Index access
D. Search history
How is a remote monitor input distributed to forwarders?
A. As an app.
B. As a forward.conf file.
C. As a monitor.conf file.
D. As a forwarder monitor profile.
Which of the following statements describes how distributed search works?
A. Forwarders pull data from the search peers.
B. Search heads store a portion of the searchable data.
C. The search head dispatches searches to the search peers.
D. Search results are replicated within the indexer cluster.
An admin is running the latest version of Splunk with a 500 GB license. The current daily volume of new data is 300 GB per day. To minimize license issues, what is the best way to add 10 TB of historical data to the index?
A. Buy a bigger Splunk license.
B. Add 2.5 TB each day for the next 5 days.
C. Add all 10 TB in a single 24 hour period.
D. Add 200 GB of historical data each day for 50 days.
What is the default value of LINE_BREAKER?
A. \r\n
B. ([\r\n]+)
C. \r+\n+
D. (\r\n+)
Which default Splunk role could be assigned to provide users with the following capabilities? Create saved searches Edit shared objects and alerts Not allowed to create custom roles
A. admin
B. power
C. user
D. splunk-system-role
Which feature of Splunk’s role configuration can be used to aggregate multiple roles intended for groups of users?
A. Linked roles
B. Grantable roles
C. Role federation
D. Role inheritance
Which forwarder is recommended by Splunk to use in a production environment?
A. Heavy forwarder
B. SSL forwarder
C. Lightweight forwarder
D. Universal forwarder
Which of the following monitor inputs stanza headers would match all of the following files? /var/log/www1/secure.log/var/log/www/secure.l /var/log/www/logs/secure.logs /var/log/www2/secure.log
A. [monitor:///var/log/.../secure.*
B. [monitor:///var/log/www1/secure.*]
C. [monitor:///var/log/www1/secure.log]
D. [monitor:///var/log/www*/secure.*]
Which of the following is a valid distributed search group?
A. [distributedSearch:Paris] default = false servers = server1, server2
B. [searchGroup:Paris] default = false servers = server1:8089, server2:8089
C. [searchGroup:Paris] default = false servers = server1:9997, server2:9997
D. [distributedSearch:Paris] default = false servers = server1:8089; server2:8089
Which is a valid stanza for a network input?
A. [udp://]connection = dnssourcetype = dns
B. [any://]connection_host = ipsourcetype = web
C. [tcp://]connection_host = websourcetype = web
D. [tcp://]connection_host = dnssourcetype = dns
Using SEDCMD in props.conf allows raw data to be modified. With the given event below, which option will mask the first three digits of the AcctID field resulting output: [22/Oct/2018:15:50:21] VendorID=1234 Code=B AcctID=xxx5309 Event: [22/Oct/2018:15:50:21] VendorID=1234 Code=B AcctID=xxx5309
A. SEDCMD-1acct = s/VendorID=\d{3}(\d{4})/VendorID=xxx/g
B. SEDCMD-xxxAcct = s/AcctID=\d{3}(\d{4})/AcctID=xxx/g
C. SEDCMD-1acct = s/AcctID=\d{3}(\d{4})/AcctID=\1xxx/g
D. SEDCMD-1acct = s/AcctID=\d{3}(\d{4})/AcctID=xxx\1/g
After automatic load balancing is enabled on a forwarder, the time interval for switching indexers can be updated by using which of the following attributes?
A. channelTTL
B. connectionTimeout
C. autoLBFrequency
D. secsInFailurelnterval
Assume a file is being monitored and the data was incorrectly indexed to an exclusive index. The index is cleaned and now the data must be reindexed. What other index must be cleaned to reset the input checkpoint information for that file?
A. _audit
B. _checkpoint
C. _introspection
D. _thefishbucket
Which of the following accurately describes HTTP Event Collector indexer acknowledgement?
A. It requires a separate channel provided by the client.
B. It is configured the same as indexer acknowledgement used to protect in-flight data.
C. It can be enabled at the global setting level.
D. It stores status information on the Splunk server.
When does a warm bucket roll over to a cold bucket?
A. When Splunk is restarted.
B. When the maximum warm bucket age has been reached.Q
C. When the maximum warm bucket size has been reached.
D. When the maximum number of warm buckets is reached.