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ISC2 CSSLP Sample Questions
Question # 1
In which type of access control do user ID and password system come under?
A. Physical B. Technical C. Power D. Administrative
Answer: B Explanation: Technical access controls include IDS systems, encryption, networksegmentation, and antivirus controls. Answer: D is incorrect. The policies and proceduresimplemented by an organization come under administrative access controls. Answer: A isincorrect. Security guards, locks on the gates, and alarms come under physical accesscontrols. Answer: C is incorrect. There is no such type of access control as power control.
Question # 2
Which of the following phases of NIST SP 800-37 C&A methodology examines the residualrisk for acceptability, and prepares the final security accreditation package?
A. Security Accreditation B. Initiation C. Continuous Monitoring D. Security Certification
Answer: A Explanation: The various phases of NIST SP 800-37 C&A are as follows: Phase 1:Initiation- This phase includes preparation, notification and resource identification. Itperforms the security plan analysis, update, and acceptance. Phase 2: SecurityCertification- The Security certification phase evaluates the controls and documentation.Phase 3: Security Accreditation- The security accreditation phase examines the residualrisk for acceptability, and prepares the final security accreditation package. Phase 4:Continuous Monitoring-This phase monitors the configuration management and control,ongoing security control verification, and status reporting and documentation.
Question # 3
The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the process of creating or altering thesystems; and the models and methodologies that people use to develop these systems.Which of the following are the different phases of system development life cycle? Eachcorrect answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.
A. Testing B. Implementation C. Operation/maintenance D. Development/acquisition E. Disposal F. Initiation
Answer: B,C,D,E,F Explanation: The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), or Software Development LifeCycle in systems engineering, information systems, and software engineering, is theprocess of creating or altering the systems; and the models and methodologies that peopleuse to develop these systems. The concept generally refers to computers or informationsystems. The following are the five phases in a generic System Development Life Cycle:1.Initiation 2.Development/acquisition 3.Implementation 4.Operation/maintenance5.Disposal
Question # 4
Which of the following describes the acceptable amount of data loss measured in time?
A. Recovery Point Objective (RPO) B. Recovery Time Objective (RTO) C. Recovery Consistency Objective (RCO) D. Recovery Time Actual (RTA)
Answer: A Explanation: The Recovery Point Objective (RPO) describes the acceptable amount ofdata loss measured in time. It is the point in time to which data must be recovered asdefined by the organization. The RPO is generally a definition of what an organizationdetermines is an "acceptable loss" in a disaster situation. If the RPO of a company is 2hours and the time it takes to get the data back into production is 5 hours, the RPO is still 2hours. Based on this RPO the data must be restored to within 2 hours of the disaster.Answer: B is incorrect. The Recovery Time Objective (RTO) is the duration of time and aservice level within which a business process must be restored after a disaster ordisruption in order to avoid unacceptable consequences associated with a break inbusiness continuity. It includes the time for trying to fix the problem without a recovery, therecovery itself, tests and the communication to the users. Decision time for userrepresentative is not included. The business continuity timeline usually runs parallel with anincident management timeline and may start at the same, or different, points. In acceptedbusiness continuity planning methodology, the RTO is established during the BusinessImpact Analysis (BIA) by the owner of a process (usually in conjunction with the BusinessContinuity planner). The RTOs are then presented to senior management for acceptance.The RTO attaches to the business process and not the resources required to support theprocess. Answer: D is incorrect. The Recovery Time Actual (RTA) is established during anexercise, actual event, or predetermined based on recovery methodology the technologysupport team develops. This is the time frame the technology support takes to deliver therecovered infrastructure to the business. Answer: C is incorrect. The Recovery ConsistencyObjective (RCO) is used in Business Continuity Planning in addition to Recovery PointObjective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective (RTO). It applies data consistencyobjectives to Continuous Data Protection services.
Question # 5
Rob is the project manager of the IDLK Project for his company. This project has a budgetof $5,600,000 and is expected to last 18 months. Rob has learned that a new law mayaffect how the project is allowed to proceed - even though the organization has alreadyinvested over $750,000 in the project. What risk response is the most appropriate for thisinstance?
A. Transference B. Enhance C. Mitigation D. Acceptance
Answer: D Explanation: At this point all that Rob can likely do is accepting the risk event. Becausethis is an external risk, there is little that Rob can do other than document the risk andshare the new with management and the project stakeholders. If the law is passed thenRob can choose the most appropriate way for the project to continue. Acceptanceresponse is a part of Risk Response planning process. Acceptance response delineatesthat the project plan will not be changed to deal with the risk. Management may develop acontingency plan if the risk does occur. Acceptance response to a risk event is a strategythat can be used for risks that pose either threats or opportunities. Acceptance responsecan be of two types: Passive acceptance: It is a strategy in which no plans are made to tryor avoid or mitigate the risk. Active acceptance: Such responses include developingcontingency reserves to deal with risks, in case they occur. Acceptance is the onlyresponse for both threats and opportunities. Answer: B is incorrect. Mitigation aims to lowerthe probability and/or impact of the risk event. Answer: C is incorrect. Transferencetransfers the ownership of the risk event to a third party, usually through a contractualagreement. Answer: D is incorrect. Enhance is a risk response that tries to increase theprobability and/or impact of the positive risk event.
Question # 6
Which of the following terms refers to a mechanism which proves that the sender reallysent a particular message?
A. Confidentiality B. Non-repudiation C. Authentication D. Integrity
Answer: B Explanation: Non-repudiation is a mechanism which proves that the sender really sent amessage. It provides an evidence of the identity of the senderand message integrity. It alsoprevents a person from denying the submission or delivery of the message and the integrityof its contents. Answer: C is incorrect. Authentication is a process of verifying the identity ofa person or network host. Answer: A is incorrect. Confidentiality ensures that no one canread a message except the intended receiver. Answer: D is incorrect. Integrity assures thereceiver that the received message has not been altered in any way from the original.
Question # 7
Which of the following are the important areas addressed by a software system's securitypolicy? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.
A. Identification and authentication B. Punctuality C. Data protection D. Accountability E. Scalability F. Access control
Answer: A,C,D,F Explanation: The security policy of a software system addresses the following importantareas: Access control Data protection Confidentiality Integrity Identification andauthentication Communication security Accountability Answer: E and B are incorrect.Scalability and punctuality are not addressed by a software system's security policy.
Question # 8
Which of the following is a patch management utility that scans one or more computers on a network and alerts a user if any important Microsoft security patches are missing andalso provides links that enable those missing patches to be downloaded and installed?
Answer: C Explanation: Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) is a tool that includes agraphical and command line interface that can perform local or remote scans of Windowssystems. It runs on computers running Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Server2003 operating system. MBSA scans for common security misconfigurations in WindowsNT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Internet Information Server(IIS) 4.0 and above, SQL Server 7.0 and 2000, and Office 2000 and 2002. It also scans formissing hot fixes in several Microsoft products, such as Windows 2000, Windows XP, SQLServer etc. Answer: B, D, and A are incorrect. These are invalid options.
Question # 9
John works as a professional Ethical Hacker. He has been assigned the project of testingthe security of www.we-are-secure.com. He finds that the We-are-secure server isvulnerable to attacks. As a countermeasure, he suggests that the Network Administratorshould remove the IPP printing capability from the server. He is suggesting this as acountermeasure against __________.
A. SNMP enumeration B. IIS buffer overflow C. NetBIOS NULL session D. DNS zone transfer
Answer: B Explanation: Removing the IPP printing capability from a server is a good countermeasureagainst an IIS buffer overflow attack. A Network Administrator should take the followingsteps to prevent a Web server from IIS buffer overflow attacks: Conduct frequent scans forserver vulnerabilities. Install the upgrades of Microsoft service packs. Implement effective firewalls. Apply URLScan and IISLockdown utilities. Remove the IPPprinting capability. Answer: D is incorrect. The following are the DNS zone transfercountermeasures: Do not allow DNS zone transfer using the DNS property sheet: a.OpenDNS. b.Right-click a DNS zone and click Properties. c.On the Zone Transfer tab, clear theAllow zone transfers check box. Configure the master DNS server to allow zone transfersonly from secondary DNS servers: a.Open DNS. b.Right-click a DNS zone and clickProperties. c.On the zone transfer tab, select the Allow zone transfers check box, and thendo one of the following: To allow zone transfers only to the DNS servers listed on the nameservers tab, click on the Only to the servers listed on the Name Server tab. To allow zonetransfers only to specific DNS servers, click Only to the following servers, and add the IPaddress of one or more servers. Deny all unauthorized inbound connections to TCP port53. Implement DNS keys and encrypted DNS payloads. Answer: A is incorrect. Thefollowing are the countermeasures against SNMP enumeration: 1.Removing the SNMPagent or disabling the SNMP service 2.Changing the default PUBLIC community namewhen 'shutting off SNMP' is not an option 3.Implementing the Group Policy security optioncalled Additional restrictions for anonymous connections 4.Restricting access to NULLsession pipes and NULL session shares 5.Upgrading SNMP Version 1 with the latestversion 6.Implementing Access control list filtering to allow only access to the read-writecommunity from approved stations or subnets Answer: C is incorrect. NetBIOS NULLsession vulnerabilities are hard to prevent, especially if NetBIOS is needed as part of theinfrastructure. One or more of the following steps can be taken to limit NetBIOS NULLsession vulnerabilities: 1.Null sessions require access to the TCP 139 or TCP 445 port,which can be disabled by a Network Administrator. 2.A Network Administrator can alsodisable SMB services entirely on individual hosts by unbinding WINS Client TCP/IP fromthe interface. 3.A Network Administrator can also restrict the anonymous user by editingthe registry values: a.Open regedit32, and go to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\LSA.b.Choose edit > add value. Value name: RestrictAnonymous Data Type: REG_WORDValue: 2
Question # 10
"Enhancing the Development Life Cycle to Produce Secure Software" summarizes thetools and practices that are helpful in producing secure software. What are these tools andpractices? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose three.
A. Leverage attack patterns B. Compiler security checking and enforcement C. Tools to detect memory violations D. Safe software libraries E. Code for reuse and maintainability
Answer: B,C,D Explanation: The tools and practices that are helpful in producing secure software aresummarized in the report "Enhancing the Development Life Cycle to Produce SecureSoftware". The tools and practices are as follows: Compiler security checking andenforcement Safe software libraries Runtime error checking and safety enforcement Toolsto detect memory violations Code obfuscation Answer: A and E are incorrect. These aresecure coding principles and practices of defensive coding.
Question # 11
Information Security management is a process of defining the security controls in order toprotect information assets. The first action of a management program to implementinformation security is to have a security program in place. What are the objectives of asecurity program? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all thatapply.
A. Security education B. Security organization C. System classification D. Information classification
Answer: A,B,D Explanation: The first action of a management program to implement information securityis to have a security program in place. The objectives of a security program are as follows:Protect the company and its assets Manage risks by identifying assets, discovering threats,and estimating the risk Provide direction for security activities by framing of informationsecurity policies, procedures, standards, guidelines and baselines Information classificationSecurity organization Security education Answer: C is incorrect. System classification is notone of the objectives of a security program.
Question # 12
Which of the following are the types of intellectual property? Each correct answerrepresents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.
A. Patent B. Copyright C. Standard D. Trademark
Answer: A,B,D Explanation: Common types of intellectual property include copyrights, trademarks,patents, industrial design rights, and trade secrets. A copyright is a form of intellectualproperty, which secures to its holder the exclusive right to produce copies of his or herworks of original expression, such as a literary work, movie, musical work or soundrecording, painting, photograph, computer program, or industrial design, for a defined, yetextendable, period of time. It does not cover ideas or facts. Copyright laws protectintellectual property from misuse by other individuals. A trademark is a distinctive sign usedby an individual, business organization, or other legal entity to identify that the products orservices to consumers with which the trademark appears originate from a unique source,and to distinguish its products or services from those of other entities. A trademark isdesignated by the following symbols: : It is for an unregistered trade mark and it is used topromote or brand goods. : It is for an unregistered service mark and it is used to promote orbrand services. : It is for a registered trademark. A patent is a set of exclusive rightsgranted by a state to an inventor or their assignee for a limited period of time in exchangefor a public disclosure of an invention. Answer: C is incorrect. It is not a type of intellectualproperty
Question # 13
Which of the following approaches can be used to build a security program? Each correctanswer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.
A. Right-Up Approach B. Left-Up Approach C. Top-Down Approach D. Bottom-Up Approach
Answer: C,D Explanation: Top-Down Approach is an approach to build a security program. Theinitiation, support, and direction come from the top management and work their waythrough middle management and then to staff members. It is treated as the best approach.This approach ensures that the senior management, who is ultimately responsible forprotecting the company assets, is driving the program. Bottom-Up Approach is anapproach to build a security program. The lower-end team comes up with a security controlor a program without proper management support and direction. It is less effective anddoomed to fail. Answer: A and B are incorrect. No such types of approaches exist
Question # 14
Fill in the blank with an appropriate phrase The is a formal state transition system ofcomputer security policy that describes a set of access control rules designed to ensuredata integrity.
A. Biba model
Answer: A Explanation: The Biba model is a formal state transition system of computer securitypolicy that describes a set of access control rules designed to ensure data integrity. Dataand subjects are grouped into ordered levels of integrity. The model is designed so thatsubjects may not corrupt data in a level ranked higher than the subject, or be corrupted bydata from a lower level than the subject.
Question # 15
A security policy is an overall general statement produced by senior management thatdictates what role security plays within the organization. What are the different types ofpolicies? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.
A. Advisory B. Systematic C. Informative D. Regulatory
Answer: A,C,D Explanation: Following are the different types of policies: Regulatory: This type of policyensures that the organization is following standards set by specific industry regulations.This policy type is very detailed and specific to a type of industry. This is used in financialinstitutions, health care facilities, public utilities, and other government-regulated industries,e.g., TRAI. Advisory: This type of policy strongly advises employees regarding which typesof behaviors and activities should and should not take place within the organization. It alsooutlines possible ramifications if employees do not comply with the established behaviorsand activities. This policy type can be used, for example, to describe how to handle medicalinformation, handle financial transactions, or process confidential information. Informative:This type of policy informs employees of certain topics. It is not an enforceable policy, butrather one to teach individuals about specific issues relevant to the company. It couldexplain how the company interacts with partners, the company's goals and mission, and ageneral reporting structure in different situations. Answer: B is incorrect. No such type ofpolicy exists.
Question # 16
Single Loss Expectancy (SLE) represents an organization's loss from a single threat.Which of the following formulas best describes the Single Loss Expectancy (SLE)?
A. SLE = Asset Value (AV) * Exposure Factor (EF) B. SLE = Annualized Loss Expectancy (ALE) * Annualized Rate of Occurrence (ARO) C. SLE = Annualized Loss Expectancy (ALE) * Exposure Factor (EF) D. SLE = Asset Value (AV) * Annualized Rate of Occurrence (ARO)
Answer: A Explanation: Single Loss Expectancy is a term related to Risk Management and RiskAssessment. It can be defined as the monetary value expected from the occurrence of arisk on an asset. It is mathematically expressed as follows: Single Loss Expectancy (SLE)= Asset Value (AV) * Exposure Factor (EF) where the Exposure Factor is represented inthe impact of the risk over the asset, or percentage of asset lost. As an example, if theAsset Value is reduced two thirds, the exposure factor value is .66. If the asset iscompletely lost, the Exposure Factor is 1.0. The result is a monetary value in the same unitas the Single Loss Expectancy is expressed. Answer: C, D, and B are incorrect. These arenot valid formulas of SLE.
Question # 17
Security is a state of well-being of information and infrastructures in which the possibilitiesof successful yet undetected theft, tampering, and/or disruption of information and servicesare kept low or tolerable. Which of the following are the elements of security? Each correctanswer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.
A. Integrity B. Authenticity C. Confidentiality D. Availability
Answer: A,B,C,D Explanation: The elements of security are as follows: 1.Confidentiality: It is theconcealment of information or resources. 2.Authenticity: It is the identification andassurance of the origin of information. 3.Integrity: It refers to the trustworthiness of data orresources in terms of preventing improper and unauthorized changes. 4.Availability: Itrefers to the ability to use the information or resources as desired.
Question # 18
Which of the following steps of the LeGrand Vulnerability-Oriented Risk Managementmethod determines the necessary compliance offered by risk management practices andassessment of risk levels?
A. Assessment, monitoring, and assurance B. Vulnerability management C. Risk assessment D. Adherence to security standards and policies for development and deployment
Answer: A Explanation: Assessment, monitoring, and assurance determines the necessarycompliance that are offered by risk management practices and assessment of risk levels.
Question # 19
Which of the following steps of the LeGrand Vulnerability-Oriented Risk Managementmethod determines the necessary compliance offered by risk management practices andassessment of risk levels?
A. Assessment, monitoring, and assurance B. Vulnerability management C. Risk assessment D. Adherence to security standards and policies for development and deployment
Answer: A Explanation: Assessment, monitoring, and assurance determines the necessarycompliance that are offered by risk management practices and assessment of risk levels.
Question # 20
Security controls are safeguards or countermeasures to avoid, counteract, or minimizesecurity risks. Which of the following are types of security controls? Each correct answerrepresents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.
A. Common controls B. Hybrid controls C. Storage controls D. System-specific controls
Answer: A,B,D Explanation: Security controls are safeguards or countermeasures to avoid, counteract, orminimize security risks. The following are the types of security controls for informationsystems, that can be employed by an organization: 1.System-specific controls: These typesof security controls provide security capability for a particular information system only.2.Common controls: These types of security controls provide security capability for multipleinformation systems. 3.Hybrid controls: These types of security controls have features ofboth system-specific and common controls. Answer: C is incorrect. It is an invalid control.