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Palo-Alto-Networks PCNSE Sample Questions
Question # 1
A firewall engineer creates a NAT rule to translate IP address to engineer also plans to enable DNS rewrite so that the firewall rewrites the IPv4address in a DNS response based on the original destination IP address and translateddestination IP address configured for the rule. The engineer wants the firewall to rewrite aDNS response of to should the engineer do to complete the configuration?
A. Create a U-Turn NAT to translate the destination IP address to the destination port equal to UDP/53. B. Enable DNS rewrite under the destination address translation in the Translated Packet
section of the NAT rule with the direction Forward. C. Enable DNS rewrite under the destination address translation in the Translated Packet
section of the NAT rule with the direction Reverse. D. Create a U-Turn NAT to translate the destination IP address to with the destination port equal to UDP/53.
An enterprise Information Security team has deployed policies based on AD groups torestrict user access to critical infrastructure systems. However, a recent phishing campaignagainst the organization has prompted Information Security to look for more controls thatcan secure access to critical assets. For users that need to access these systems.Information Security wants to use PAN-OS multi-factor authentication (MFA) integration toenforce MFA.What should the enterprise do to use PAN-OS MFA?
A. Configure a Captive Portal authentication policy that uses an authentication sequence. B. Configure a Captive Portal authentication policy that uses an authentication profile thatreferences a RADIUS profile. C. Create an authentication profile and assign another authentication factor to be used by aCaptive Portal authentication policy. D. Use a Credential Phishing agent to detect, prevent, and mitigate credential phishing
Answer: A
Explanation:To use PAN-OS multi-factor authentication (MFA) to secure access to critical assets, the enterprise should configure a Captive Portal authentication policy that uses anauthentication sequence. An authentication sequence is a feature that allows the firewall toenforce multiple authentication methods (factors) for users who access sensitive servicesor applications. An authentication sequence can include up to four factors, such as loginand password, Voice, SMS, Push, or One-time Password (OTP) authentication. The firewall can integrate with MFA vendors through RADIUS or vendor APIs to provide theadditional factors12. To configure an authentication sequence, the enterprise needs to create an authenticationprofile for each factor and then add them to the sequence in the desired order. Theenterprise also needs to create a Captive Portal authentication policy that matches thetraffic that requires MFA and applies the authentication sequence to it. The Captive Portalis a web page that the firewall displays to users who need to authenticate before accessingthe network or the internet. The Captive Portal can be customized to include a welcomemessage, a login prompt, a disclaimer, a certificate download link, and a logout button34.When a user tries to access a service or application that matches the Captive Portalauthentication policy, the firewall redirects the user to the Captive Portal web form for thefirst factor. After the user successfully authenticates for the first factor, the firewall promptsthe user for the second factor through RADIUS or vendor API integration. The firewallrepeats this process until all factors in the sequence are completed or until one factor fails.If all factors are completed successfully, the firewall allows the user to access the serviceor application. If one factor fails, the firewall denies access and logs an event56.Configuring a Captive Portal authentication policy that uses an authentication profile thatreferences a RADIUS profile is not sufficient to use PAN-OS MFA. This option onlyprovides one factor of authentication through RADIUS integration with an MFA vendor. Touse multiple factors of authentication, an authentication sequence is required.Creating an authentication profile and assigning another authentication factor to be used bya Captive Portal authentication policy is not correct to use PAN-OS MFA. This option doesnot specify how to create or apply an authentication sequence, which is necessary forenforcing multiple factors of authentication.Using a Credential Phishing agent to detect, prevent, and mitigate credential phishingcampaigns is not relevant to use PAN-OS MFA. This option is a feature of Palo AltoNetworks Cortex XDR™ that helps protect endpoints from credential theft by maliciousactors. It does not provide any MFA functionality for accessing critical assets.References: Authentication Sequence, Configure Multi-Factor Authentication, Configure anAuthentication Portal, Create an Authentication Profile, Create an AuthenticationSequence, Create a Captive Portal Authentication Policy, [Credential Phishing Agent]
Question # 3
The decision to upgrade PAN-OS has been approved. The engineer begins the process byupgrading the Panorama servers, but gets an error when attempting the install.When performing an upgrade on Panorama to PAN-OS. what is the potential cause of afailed install?
A. Outdated plugins B. Global Protect agent version C. Expired certificates D. Management only mode
Answer: A Explanation: One of the potential causes of a failed install when upgrading Panorama toPAN-OS is having outdated plugins. Plugins are software extensions that enablePanorama to interact with Palo Alto Networks cloud services and third-partyservices. Plugins have dependencies on specific PAN-OS versions, so they must beupdated before or after upgrading Panorama, depending on the plugin compatibilitymatrix2. If the plugins are not updated accordingly, the upgrade process may fail or causeissues with Panorama functionality3. References: Panorama Plugins Upgrade/DowngradeConsiderations, Troubleshoot Your Panorama Upgrade, PCNSE Study Guide (page 54)
Question # 4
An administrator has configured a pair of firewalls using high availability in Active/Passive
mode. Link and Path Monitoring is enabled with the Failure Condition set to "any." There is
one link group configured containing member interfaces ethernet1/1 and ethernet1/2 with a
Group Failure Condition set to "all."
Which HA state will the Active firewall go into if ethernet1/1 link goes down due to a
A. Active-Secondary B. Non-functional C. Passive D. Active
Answer: D
Question # 5
An administrator has configured a pair of firewalls using high availability in Active/Passive
mode. Link and Path Monitoring is enabled with the Failure Condition set to "any." There is
one link group configured containing member interfaces ethernet1/1 and ethernet1/2 with a
Group Failure Condition set to "all."
Which HA state will the Active firewall go into if ethernet1/1 link goes down due to a
A. Active-Secondary B. Non-functional C. Passive D. Active
Answer: D
Question # 6
An administrator configures a site-to-site IPsec VPN tunnel between a PA-850 and anexternal customer on their policy-based VPN devices.What should an administrator configure to route interesting traffic through the VPN tunnel?
A. Proxy IDs B. GRE Encapsulation C. Tunnel Monitor D. ToS Header
Answer: A
Explanation:An administrator should configure proxy IDs to route interesting traffic through the VPNtunnel when the peer device is a policy-based VPN device. Proxy IDs are used to identifythe traffic that belongs to a particular IPSec VPN and to direct it to the appropriate tunnel.Proxy IDs consist of a local IP address, a remote IP address, and an application (protocoland port numbers). Each proxy ID is considered to be a VPN tunnel and is counted towardsthe IPSec VPN tunnel capacity of the firewall. Proxy IDs are required for IKEv1 VPNs andoptional for IKEv2 VPNs. If the proxy ID is not configured, the firewall uses the defaultvalues of source IP:, destination IP:, and application: any, which may notmatch the peer’s policy and result in a failure to establish the VPN connection. References:Proxy ID for IPSec VPNSet Up an IPSec Tunnel
Question # 7
An administrator is receiving complaints about application performance degradation. Afterchecking the ACC, the administrator observes that there is an excessive amount of VoIPtraffic.Which three elements should the administrator configure to address this issue? (Choosethree.)
A. An Application Override policy for the SIP traffic B. QoS on the egress interface for the traffic flows C. QoS on the ingress interface for the traffic flows D. A QoS profile defining traffic classes E. A QoS policy for each application ID
Answer: B,D,E
Explanation: To address the issue of application performance degradation due toexcessive VoIP traffic, the administrator should configure QoS on the egress interface forthe traffic flows and a QoS profile defining traffic classes. QoS stands for Quality ofService, which is a feature that allows the firewall to manage bandwidth usage andprioritize traffic based on various criteria, such as application, user, service, etc. QoS canhelp improve the performance and quality of latency-sensitive applications, such as VoIP,by guaranteeing them sufficient bandwidth and priority over other traffic1.To enable QoS on the firewall, the administrator needs to create a QoS profile and a QoSpolicy. A QoS profile defines the eight classes of service that traffic can receive, includingpriority, guaranteed bandwidth, maximum bandwidth, and weight. A QoS policy identifiesthe traffic that matches a specific class of service based on source and destination zones,addresses, users, applications, services, etc2. The administrator can also create a customQoS profile or use the default one.The administrator should apply QoS on the egress interface for the traffic flows, which isthe interface where the traffic leaves the firewall. This is because QoS can only shapeoutbound traffic and not inbound traffic. The egress interface can be either internal orexternal, depending on the direction of the VoIP traffic. For example, if the VoIP traffic isfrom internal users to external servers, then the egress interface is the untrust interfacefacing the ISP. If the VoIP traffic is from external users to internal servers, then the egressinterface is the trust interface facing the LAN3.The administrator should assign a high priority and a sufficient guaranteed bandwidth to theVoIP traffic in the QoS profile. This will ensure that the VoIP packets are processed first bythe firewall and are not dropped or delayed due to congestion. The administrator can alsoQuestion No : 43Paloalto Networks PCNSE : Practice Test34limit or block other applications that consume too much bandwidth or pose security risks inthe same or different QoS classes4.An Application Override policy for SIP traffic is not necessary to address this issue. AnApplication Override policy is used to change or customize the App-ID of certain trafficbased on port and protocol criteria. This can be useful for optimizing performance orsecurity for some applications that are difficult to identify or have non-standard behaviors.However, SIP is a predefined App-ID that identifies Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) traffic,which is commonly used for VoIP signaling. The firewall can recognize SIP traffic withoutan Application Override policy5.QoS on the ingress interface for the traffic flows is not effective to address this issue. Asmentioned earlier, QoS can only shape outbound traffic and not inbound traffic. ApplyingQoS on the ingress interface will not have any impact on how the firewall handles orprioritizes the incoming packets6.A QoS policy for each application is not required to address this issue. A QoS policy canmatch multiple applications in a single rule by using application filters or application groups.This can simplify and consolidate the QoS policy configuration and management. Theadministrator does not need to create a separate QoS policy for each application unlessthere is a specific need to assign different classes of service or parameters to eachapplication7.References: QoS Overview, Configure QoS, QoS Use Cases, QoS BestPractices, Application Override, QoS FAQ, Create a QoS Policy Rule
Question # 8
An administrator is receiving complaints about application performance degradation. Afterchecking the ACC, the administrator observes that there is an excessive amount of VoIPtraffic.Which three elements should the administrator configure to address this issue? (Choosethree.)
A. An Application Override policy for the SIP traffic B. QoS on the egress interface for the traffic flows C. QoS on the ingress interface for the traffic flows D. A QoS profile defining traffic classes E. A QoS policy for each application ID
Answer: B,D,E
Explanation: To address the issue of application performance degradation due toexcessive VoIP traffic, the administrator should configure QoS on the egress interface forthe traffic flows and a QoS profile defining traffic classes. QoS stands for Quality ofService, which is a feature that allows the firewall to manage bandwidth usage andprioritize traffic based on various criteria, such as application, user, service, etc. QoS canhelp improve the performance and quality of latency-sensitive applications, such as VoIP,by guaranteeing them sufficient bandwidth and priority over other traffic1.To enable QoS on the firewall, the administrator needs to create a QoS profile and a QoSpolicy. A QoS profile defines the eight classes of service that traffic can receive, includingpriority, guaranteed bandwidth, maximum bandwidth, and weight. A QoS policy identifiesthe traffic that matches a specific class of service based on source and destination zones,addresses, users, applications, services, etc2. The administrator can also create a customQoS profile or use the default one.The administrator should apply QoS on the egress interface for the traffic flows, which isthe interface where the traffic leaves the firewall. This is because QoS can only shapeoutbound traffic and not inbound traffic. The egress interface can be either internal orexternal, depending on the direction of the VoIP traffic. For example, if the VoIP traffic isfrom internal users to external servers, then the egress interface is the untrust interfacefacing the ISP. If the VoIP traffic is from external users to internal servers, then the egressinterface is the trust interface facing the LAN3.The administrator should assign a high priority and a sufficient guaranteed bandwidth to theVoIP traffic in the QoS profile. This will ensure that the VoIP packets are processed first bythe firewall and are not dropped or delayed due to congestion. The administrator can alsoQuestion No : 43Paloalto Networks PCNSE : Practice Test34limit or block other applications that consume too much bandwidth or pose security risks inthe same or different QoS classes4.An Application Override policy for SIP traffic is not necessary to address this issue. AnApplication Override policy is used to change or customize the App-ID of certain trafficbased on port and protocol criteria. This can be useful for optimizing performance orsecurity for some applications that are difficult to identify or have non-standard behaviors.However, SIP is a predefined App-ID that identifies Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) traffic,which is commonly used for VoIP signaling. The firewall can recognize SIP traffic withoutan Application Override policy5.QoS on the ingress interface for the traffic flows is not effective to address this issue. Asmentioned earlier, QoS can only shape outbound traffic and not inbound traffic. ApplyingQoS on the ingress interface will not have any impact on how the firewall handles orprioritizes the incoming packets6.A QoS policy for each application is not required to address this issue. A QoS policy canmatch multiple applications in a single rule by using application filters or application groups.This can simplify and consolidate the QoS policy configuration and management. Theadministrator does not need to create a separate QoS policy for each application unlessthere is a specific need to assign different classes of service or parameters to eachapplication7.References: QoS Overview, Configure QoS, QoS Use Cases, QoS BestPractices, Application Override, QoS FAQ, Create a QoS Policy Rule
Question # 9
An engineer is configuring a Protection profile to defend specific endpoints and resources against malicious activity.The profile is configured to provide granular defense against targeted flood attacks for
specific critical systems that are accessed by users from the internet.
Which profile is the engineer configuring?
A. Packet Buffer Protection B. Zone Protection C. Vulnerability Protection D. DoS Protection
Answer: D
Explanation: The engineer is configuring a DoS Protection profile to defend specific endpoints and resources against malicious activity. A DoS Protection profile is a feature that enables the firewall to detect and prevent denial-of-service (DoS) attacks that attempt to overwhelm network resources or disrupt services. A DoS Protection profile can provide granular defense against targeted flood attacks for specific critical systems that are accessed by users from the internet, such as web servers, DNS servers, or VPN gateways. A DoS Protection profile can be applied to a security policy rule that matches the traffic to and from the protected systems, and can specify the thresholds and actions for different types of flood attacks, such as SYN, UDP, ICMP, or other IP floods12. References: DoS Protection, PCNSE Study Guide (page 58)
Question # 10
An administrator troubleshoots an issue that causes packet drops.Which log type will help the engineer verify whether packet buffer protection was activated?
A. Data Filtering B. Configuration C. Threat D. Traffic
Which three multi-factor authentication methods can be used to authenticate access to thefirewall? (Choose three.)
A. Voice B. Fingerprint C. SMS D. User certificate E. One-time password
Answer: C,D,E
Explanation: The firewall can use three multi-factor authentication methods to authenticateaccess to the firewall: SMS, user certificate, and one-time password. These methods can be used in combination with other authentication factors, such as username and password,to provide stronger security for accessing the firewall web interface or CLI. The firewall canintegrate with various MFA vendors that support these methods through RADIUS or SAMLprotocols5. Voice and fingerprint are not supported by the firewall as MFAmethods. References: MFA Vendor Support, PCNSE Study Guide (page 48)
Question # 12
If an administrator wants to apply QoS to traffic based on source, what must be specified ina QoS policy rule?
A. Post-NAT destination address B. Pre-NAT destination address C. Post-NAT source address D. Pre-NAT source address
Answer: C
Explanation: If an administrator wants to apply QoS to traffic based on source, they must specify the post-NAT source address in a QoS policy rule. This is because QoS is enforcedon traffic as it egresses the firewall, and the firewall applies NAT rules before QoS rules.Therefore, the firewall will match the QoS policy rule based on the translated sourceaddress, not the original source address. If the administrator uses the pre-NAT sourceaddress in the QoS policy rule, the firewall will not be able to identify the traffic correctlyand apply the desired QoS treatment. References:QoS PolicyConfigure QoS
Question # 13
An administrator is required to create an application-based Security policy rule to allow
Evernote. The Evernote application implicitly uses SSL and web browsing.
What is the minimum the administrator needs to configure in the Security rule to allow only
A. Add the Evernote application to the Security policy rule, then add a second Security
policy rule containing both HTTP and SSL. B. Create an Application Override using TCP ports 443 and 80. C. Add the HTTP. SSL. and Evernote applications to the same Security policy. D. Add only the Evernote application to the Security policy rule.
Answer: D
Explanation: https://live.paloaltonetworks.com/t5/blogs/what-is-applicationdependency/ba-p/344330 To create an application-based Security policy rule to allow Evernote, the administrator only needs to add the Evernote application to the Security policy rule. The Evernote application is a predefined App-ID that identifies the traffic generated by the Evernote client or web interface. The Evernote application implicitly uses SSL and web browsing as dependencies, which means that the firewall automatically allows these applications when the Evernote application is allowed. Therefore, there is no need to add HTTP, SSL, or web browsing applications to the same Security policy rule. Adding these applications would broaden the scope of the rule and potentially allow unwanted traffic12. References: App-ID Overview, Create a Security Policy Rule
Question # 14
An engineer troubleshoots a high availability (HA) link that is unreliable.
Where can the engineer view what time the interface went down?
A. Monitor > Logs > System B. Device > High Availability > Active/Passive Settings C. Monitor > Logs > Traffic D. Dashboard > Widgets > High Availability
An engineer troubleshoots a Panorama-managed firewall that is unable to reach the DNSservers configured via a global template. As a troubleshooting step, the engineer needs toconfigure a local DNS server in place of the template value.Which two actions can be taken to ensure that only the specific firewall is affected duringthis process? (Choose two )
A. Configure the DNS server locally on the firewall. B. Change the DNS server on the global template. C. Override the DNS server on the template stack. D. Configure a service route for DNS on a different interface.
Answer: A,C
Explanation: To override a device and network setting applied by a template, you can either configure the setting locally on the firewall or override the setting on the templatestack. Configuring the setting locally on the firewall will copy the setting to the localconfiguration of the device and will no longer be controlled by the template. Overriding thesetting on the template stack will apply the setting to all the firewalls that are assigned tothe template stack, unless the setting is also overridden locally on a firewall. Changing thesetting on the global template will affect all the firewalls that inherit the setting from thetemplate, which is not desirable in this scenario. Configuring a service route for DNS on adifferent interface will not change the DNS server address, but only the interface that thefirewall uses to reach the DNS server. References:Override a Template Setting
How to override panorama pushed template configuration on the local firewallOverriding Panorama Template settings
Question # 16
An engineer is monitoring an active/active high availability (HA) firewall pair.Which HA firewall state describes the firewall that is currently processing traffic?
A. Initial B. Passive C. Active D. Active-primary
Answer: C
Explanation: In an active/active high availability (HA) firewall pair, the firewall that is currently processing
traffic is in the “Active” state. This state indicates that the firewall is fully functional and can
own sessions and set up sessions. An active firewall can be either active-primary or activesecondary, depending on the Device ID and the HA configuration. An active-primary
firewall connects to User-ID agents, runs DHCP server and DHCP relay, and matches NAT
and PBF rules with the Device ID of the active-primary firewall. An active-secondary firewall
connects to User-ID agents, runs DHCP server, and matches NAT and PBF rules with the
Question No : 47
Paloalto Networks PCNSE : Practice Test
Device ID of the active-secondary firewall. An active-secondary firewall does not support
DHCP relay1. References: HA Firewall States, PCNSE Study Guide (page 53)
Question # 17
An engineer must configure a new SSL decryption deployment.Which profile or certificate is required before any traffic that matches an SSL decryptionrule is decrypted?
A. A Decryption profile must be attached to the Decryption policy that the traffic matches. B. A Decryption profile must be attached to the Security policy that the traffic matches. C. There must be a certificate with only the Forward Trust option selected. D. There must be a certificate with both the Forward Trust option and Forward Untrust
option selected.
Answer: A
Explanation: To use PAN-OS multi-factor authentication (MFA) to secure access to critical assets, the enterprise should configure a Captive Portal authentication policy that uses anauthentication sequence. An authentication sequence is a feature that allows the firewall toenforce multiple authentication methods (factors) for users who access sensitive servicesor applications. An authentication sequence can include up to four factors, such as loginand password, Voice, SMS, Push, or One-time Password (OTP) authentication. Thefirewall can integrate with MFA vendors through RADIUS or vendor APIs to provide theadditional factors12.To configure an authentication sequence, the enterprise needs to create an authenticationprofile for each factor and then add them to the sequence in the desired order. Theenterprise also needs to create a Captive Portal authentication policy that matches thetraffic that requires MFA and applies the authentication sequence to it. The Captive Portalis a web page that the firewall displays to users who need to authenticate before accessingthe network or the internet. The Captive Portal can be customized to include a welcomemessage, a login prompt, a disclaimer, a certificate download link, and a logout button34.When a user tries to access a service or application that matches the Captive Portalauthentication policy, the firewall redirects the user to the Captive Portal web form for thefirst factor. After the user successfully authenticates for the first factor, the firewall promptsthe user for the second factor through RADIUS or vendor API integration. The firewallrepeats this process until all factors in the sequence are completed or until one factor fails.If all factors are completed successfully, the firewall allows the user to access the serviceor application. If one factor fails, the firewall denies access and logs an event56.Configuring a Captive Portal authentication policy that uses an authentication profile thatreferences a RADIUS profile is not sufficient to use PAN-OS MFA. This option onlyprovides one factor of authentication through RADIUS integration with an MFA vendor. Touse multiple factors of authentication, an authentication sequence is required.Creating an authentication profile and assigning another authentication factor to be used bya Captive Portal authentication policy is not correct to use PAN-OS MFA. This option doesnot specify how to create or apply an authentication sequence, which is necessary forPaloalto Networks PCNSE : Practice Test41enforcing multiple factors of authentication.Using a Credential Phishing agent to detect, prevent, and mitigate credential phishingcampaigns is not relevant to use PAN-OS MFA. This option is a feature of Palo AltoNetworks Cortex XDR™ that helps protect endpoints from credential theft by maliciousactors. It does not provide any MFA functionality for accessing critical assets7.References: Authentication Sequence, Configure Multi-Factor Authentication, Configure anAuthentication Portal, Create an Authentication Profile, Create an AuthenticationSequence, Create a Captive Portal Authentication Policy, Credential Phishing Agent
Question # 18
A network security administrator has an environment with multiple forms of authentication.There is a network access control system in place that authenticates and restricts accessfor wireless users, multiple Windows domain controllers, and an MDM solution forcompany-provided smartphones. All of these devices have their authentication eventslogged.Given the information, what is the best choice for deploying User-ID to ensure maximumcoverage?
A. Captive portal B. Standalone User-ID agent C. Syslog listener D. Agentless User-ID with redistribution
Answer: C
Explanation:A syslog listener is the best choice for deploying User-ID to ensure maximum coverage in an environment with multiple forms of authentication. A syslog listener is a feature thatenables the firewall or Panorama to receive syslog messages from other systems andparse them for IP address-to-username mappings. A syslog listener can collect usermapping information from a variety of sources, such as network access control systems,domain controllers, MDM solutions, VPN gateways, wireless controllers, proxies, andmore2. A syslog listener can also support multiple platforms and operating systems, suchas Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, etc3. Therefore, a syslog listener can provide acomprehensive and flexible solution for User-ID deployment in a large-scalenetwork. References: Configure a Syslog Listener for User Mapping, User-ID AgentDeployment Guide, PCNSE Study Guide (page 48)
Question # 19
A firewall engineer creates a new App-ID report under Monitor > Reports > Application
Reports > New Applications to monitor new applications on the network and better assess
any Security policy updates the engineer might want to make. How does the firewall identify the New App-ID characteristic?
A. It matches to the New App-IDs downloaded in the last 90 days. B. It matches to the New App-IDs in the most recently installed content releases. C. It matches to the New App-IDs downloaded in the last 30 days. D. It matches to the New App-IDs installed since the last time the firewall was rebooted.
Answer: B
The New App-ID characteristic enables the firewall to monitor new applications on the
network, so that the engineer can better assess the security policy updates they might want
to make. The New App-ID characteristic always matches to only the new App-IDs in the
most recently installed content releases. When a new content release is installed, the New
App-ID characteristic automatically begins to match only to the new App-IDs in that content
release version. This way, the engineer can see how the newly-categorized applications
might impact security policy enforcement and make any necessary
adjustments. References: Monitor New App-IDs
Question # 20
What must be configured to apply tags automatically based on User-ID logs?
A. Device ID B. Log Forwarding profile C. Group mapping D. Log settings
Answer: B
Explanation: To apply tags automatically based on User-ID logs, the engineer mustconfigure a Log Forwarding profile that specifies the criteria for matching the logs and the tags to apply. The Log Forwarding profile can be attached to a security policy rule or adecryption policy rule to enable auto-tagging for the traffic that matches the rule. The tagscan then be used for dynamic address groups, policy enforcement, orreporting1. References: Use Auto-Tagging to Automate Security Actions, PCNSE StudyGuide (page 49)
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