Exam Code | SPLK-1002 |
Exam Name | Splunk Core Certified Power User Exam |
Questions | 264 Questions Answers With Explanation |
Update Date | September 02,2024 |
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Which of the following statements describe the Common Information Model (CIM)? (select all that apply)
A. CIM is a methodology for normalizing data.
B. CIM can correlate data from different sources.
C. The Knowledge Manager uses the CIM to create knowledge objects.
D. CIM is an app that can coexist with other apps on a single Splunk deployment.
Which of the following knowledge objects represents the output of an eval expression?
A. Eval fields
B. Calculated fields
C. Field extractions
D. Calculated lookups
Data model are composed of one or more of which of the following datasets? (select allthat apply.)
A. Events datasets
B. Search datasets
C. Transaction datasets
D. Any child of event, transaction, and search datasets
In which Settings section are macros defined?
A. Fields
B. Tokens
C. Advanced Search
D. Searches, Reports, Alerts
Use this command to use lookup fields in a search and see the lookup fields in the fieldsidebar.
A. inputlookup
B. lookup
Which type of visualization shows relationships between discrete values in threedimensions?
A. Pie chart
B. Line chart
C. Bubble chart
D. Scatter chart
Calculated fields can be based on which of the following?
A. Tags
B. Extracted fields
C. Output fields for a lookup
D. Fields generated from a search string
How is a Search Workflow Action configured to run at the same time range as the originalsearch?
A. Set the earliest time to match the original search.
B. Select the same time range from the time-range picker.
C. Select the "Use the same time range as the search that created the field listing"checkbox.
D. Select the "Overwrite time range with the original search" checkbox.
The eval command allows you to do which of the following? (Choose all that apply.)
A. Format values
B. Convert values
C. Perform calculations
D. Use conditional statements
A data model can consist of what three types of datasets?
A. Pivot, searches, and events.
B. Pivot, events, and transactions.
C. Searches, transactions, and pivot.
D. Events, searches, and transactions.
Which command can include both an over and a by clause to divide results into subgroupings?
A. chart
B. stats
C. xyseries
D. transaction
Which of the following is a function of the Splunk Common Information Model (CIM)?
A. Normalizing data across a Splunk deployment.
B. Providing templates for reports and dashboards.
C. Algorithmically shifting events to other indexes.
D. Reingesting previously indexed data with new field names.
What information must be included when using the datamodel command?
A. status field
B. Multiple indexes
C. Data model field name.
D. Data model dataset name.
What is the correct format for naming a macro with multiple arguments?
A. monthly_sales(argument 1, argument 2, argument 3)
B. monthly_sales(3)
C. monthly_sales[3]
D. monthly_sales[argument 1, argument 2, argument 3)
Which of the following is one of the pre-configured data models included in the SplunkCommon Information Model (CIM) add-on?
A. Access
B. Accounting
C. Authorization
D. Authentication
Which of the following statements describes calculated fields?
A. Calculated fields are only used on fields added by lookups.
B. Calculated fields are a shortcut for repetitive and complex eval commands.
C. Calculated fields are a shortcut for repetitive and complex calc commands.
D. Calculated fields automatically calculate the simple moving average for indexed fields.
When is a GET workflow action needed?
A. To send field values to an external resource.
B. To retrieve information from an external resource.
C. To use field values to perform a secondary search.
D. To define how events flow from forwarders to indexes.
Data models are composed of one or more of which of the following datasets? (select all that apply)
A. Transaction datasets
B. Events datasets
C. Search datasets
D. Any child of event, transaction, and search datasets
This tab shows you the event patterns in the results of a specific search.
A. statistics
B. visualization
C. patterns
Which of the following searches will return events containing a tag named Privileged?
A. tag=Priv
B. tag=Priv*
C. tag=priv*
D. tag=privileged