Exam Code | 2V0-72.22 |
Exam Name | Professional Develop VMware Spring |
Questions | 60 Questions Answers With Explanation |
Update Date | September 02,2024 |
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Which following statements are true about Spring Data? (Choose two.)
A. Spring Data implementations exist for many data storage types, such as MongoDB, Neo4j, and Redis.
B. Spring Data works by applying the JPA annotations to data stores such as MongoDB, Neo4j, and Redis.
C. Spring Data can greatly reduce the amount of “boilerplate†code typically needed for data access.
D. Spring Data is specifically designed for JPA, JDBC, and relational database access only.
E. Spring Data cannot be used together with Spring MVC.
Which statement describes the propagation behavior of Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW annotation? (Choose the best answer.)
A. Starts a new transaction but throws an exception if an active transaction already exists.
B. Joins a transaction if one already exists; throws an exception if an active transaction does not exist.
C. Starts a new transaction; if an active transaction already exists, it is suspended.
D. Runs in a nested transaction if an active transaction exists; throws an exception if an active transaction
does not exist.
Which statement defines a pointcut? (Choose the best answer.)
A. A point in the execution of a program such as a method call or field assignment.
B. An expression that selects one or more join points.
C. A module that encapsulated advices.
D. Code to be executed at each selected join point.
Which two statements describe Spring JdbcTemplate? (Choose two.)
A. All JdbcTemplate methods throw SQLException which you are required to handle.
B. The JdbcTemplate provides the ability to work with result sets.
C. The JdbcTemplate can only perform update but not insert to the database.
D. The JdbcTemplate provides methods for query execution.
E. The JdbcTemplate generates SQL statements.
What are the two reasons Spring be used to build a Java application? (Choose two.)
A. Spring automates a Java application build.
B. Spring provides a Dependency Injection container.
C. Spring automates deployment of Java applications to all of the major cloud providers.
D. Spring provides comprehensive Java IDE support.
E. Spring provides abstractions over infrastructure such as persistence and messaging.
Which two statements are true regarding bean creation? (Choose two.)
A. A Spring bean can be explicitly created by annotating methods or fields by @Autowired.
B. A Spring bean can be implicitly created by annotating the class with @Component and using the component-scanner to scan its package.
C. A Spring bean can be implicitly created by annotating the class with @Bean and using the componentscanner to scan its package.
D. A Spring bean can be explicitly created using @Bean annotated methods within a Spring configuration
E. A Spring bean can be explicitly created by annotating the class with @Autowired.
Which two statements are true regarding Spring Boot Testing? (Choose two.)
A. @TestApplicationContext is used to define additional beans or customizations for a test.
B. Test methods in a @SpringBootTest class are transactional by default.
C. @SpringBootTest is typically used for integration testing.
D. Test methods annotated with @SpringBootTest will recreate the ApplicationContext.
E. @SpringBootTest without any configuration classes expects there is only one class annotated with
@SpringBootConfiguration in the application.
Which two statements are correct regarding Spring Boot 2.x Actuator Metrics? (Choose two.)
A. An external monitoring system must be used with Actuator.
B. The metrics endpoint /actuator/metrics is exposed over HTTP by default.
C. Timer measures both the number of timed events and the total time of all events timed.
D. Custom metrics can be measured using Meter primitives such as Counter, Gauge, Timer, and DistributionSummary.
E. A metric must be created with one or more tags.
Which two annotations indicate that the transaction for a transactional test method should be committed after the test method has completed? (Choose two.)
A. @SqlMergeMode(false)
B. @Rollback(false)
C. @Commit
D. @Sql(alwaysCommit=true)
E. @Transactional(commit=true)
Answer: B,CSection: (none)ExplanationExplanation/Reference:Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9817388/junit-tests-always-rollback-the-transactions
What two options are auto-configured Spring Boot Actuator HealthIndicators? (Choose two.)
A. DataSourceHealthIndicator
B. GoogleCloudDataStoreHealthIndicator
C. DynamoDBHealthIndicator
D. RabbitHealthIndicator
E. OktaHealthIndicator
Which two statements are correct regarding the Health Indicator status? (Choose two.)
A. The last status in a sorted list of HealthIndicators is used to derive the final system health.
B. The status with the least severity is used as the top-level status.
C. Custom status values can be created.
D. The built-in status values are DOWN, OUT_OF_SERVICE, UNKNOWN, and UP in decreasing order of severity.
E. The severity order cannot be changed due to security reasons.
Which statement about @TestPropertySource annotation is true? (Choose the best answer.)
A. Java system properties have higher precedence than the properties loaded from @TestPropertySource.
B. Properties defined @PropertySource are not loaded if @TestPropertySource is used.
C. @TestPropertySource annotation loads a properties file relative to the root of the project by default.
D. Inlined properties defined in @TestPropertySource can be used to override properties defined in
property files.
Which two statements are correct regarding the Actuator info endpoint? (Choose two.)
A. It provides configuration options through which only an authenticated user can display application
B. It is not enabled by default.
C. It can be used to display arbitrary application information.
D. It can be used to change a property value on a running application.
E. Typically it is used to display build or source control information.
Which statement describes the @AfterReturning advice type? (Choose the best answer.)
A. The advice is invoked only if the method returns successfully but not if it throws an exception.
B. The @AfterReturning advice allows behavior to be added after a method returns even if it throws an
C. The advice has complete control over the method invocation; it could even prevent the method from being
called at all.
D. Typically used to prevent any exception, thrown by the advised method, from propagating up the call-stack.
Which two statements are correct regarding Spring Boot auto-configuration? (Choose two.)
A. Auto-configuration uses @Conditional annotations to constrain when it should apply.
B. Auto-configuration could apply when a bean is missing but not when a bean is present.
C. Auto-configuration is applied by processing candidates listed in META-INF/spring.factories.
D. Auto-configuration could apply when a bean is present but not when a bean is missing.
E. Auto-configuration is applied before user-defined beans have been registered.
Which two statements are true regarding storing user details in Spring Security? (Choose two.)
A. With a custom UserDetailsService defined in the ApplicationContext, Spring Boot still creates the
default user.
B. Passwords must be hashed and the default hashing algorithm is MD5.
C. User details can be stored in custom storage and retrieve them by implementing the UserDetailsService interface.
D. User details can be stored in a database, in LDAP, or in-memory.
E. The user details includes username and password but not authorities.
Which two statements are true regarding @DataJpaTest? (Choose two.)
A. TestEntityManager provides all methods that are provided by EntityManager and more.
B. If an embedded database is on the classpath, it will be used to configure a DataSource by default.
C. It can be used for testing both JPA components and NoSQL components.
D. It auto-configures a TestEntityManager bean.
E. It can be used for testing JdbcTemplate.
Which two statements are true about Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA? (Choose two.)
A. @EntityScan and spring.jpa.* properties can be used to customize Spring Data JPA.
B. Any kind of Hibernate property can be passed to Spring Data JPA like spring.jpa.properties.xxx.
C. Spring Data JPA is the only implementation for relational databases.
D. Scanning of JPA Entities can not be customized, the whole classpath is scanned.
E. Embedded Databases (H2, HSQLDB, Derby) are not re-created during the startup.
Which two options are valid optional attributes for Spring’s @Transactional annotation? (Choose two.)
A. isolation
B. writeOnly
C. nestedTransaction
D. readWrite
E. propagation
Which statement is true about the @PropertySource annotation? (Choose the best answer.)
A. Used to designate the location of the application.properties file in a Spring Boot application.
B. Used to easily look up and return a single property value from some external property file.
C. Used to designate the file directory of the application.properties file in a Spring Boot application.
D. Used to add a set of name/value pairs to the Spring Environment from an external source.