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Eccouncil 312-50v12 Sample Questions
Question # 1
Richard, an attacker, targets an MNC. in this process, he uses a footprinting technique to gather as
much information as possible. Using this technique, he gathers domain information such as the
target domain name, contact details of its owner, expiry datae, and creation datae. With this
information, he creates a map of the organization's network and misleads domain owners with social
engineering to obtain internal details of its network. What type of footprinting technique is
employed by Richard?
A. VoIP footprinting B. VPN footprinting C. Whois footprinting D. Email footprinting
Answer: C Explanation:
WHOIS (pronounced because the phrase who is) may be a query and response protocol and whois
footprinting may be a method for glance information about ownership of a website name as
name details
Contact details contain phone no. and email address of the owner
Registration datae for the name
Expire datae for the name
name servers
Question # 2
in this form of encryption algorithm, every Individual block contains 64-bit data, and three keys are
used, where each key consists of 56 bits. Which is this encryption algorithm?
A. IDEA B. Triple Data Encryption standard C. MDS encryption algorithm D. AES
Answer: B Triple DES is another mode of DES operation. It takes three 64-bit keys, for an overall key length of 192 bits. In Stealth, you merely type within the entire 192-bit (24 character) key instead of enteringeach of the three keys individually. The Triple DES DLL then breaks the user-provided key into threesubkeys, padding the keys if necessary in order that they are each 64 bits long. The procedure forencryption is strictly an equivalent as regular DES, but its repeated 3 times , hence the nameTriple DES. the info is encrypted with the primary key, decrypted with the second key, and eventuallyencrypted again with the third key.Triple DES runs 3 times slower than DES, but is far safer if used properly. The procedure fordecrypting something is that the same because the procedure for encryption, except its executed inreverse. Like DES, data is encrypted and decrypted in 64-bit chunks. Although the input key for DES is64 bits long, the particular key employed by DES is merely 56 bits long . the smallest amountsignificant (right-most) bit in each byte may be a parity , and will be set in order that there are alwaysan odd number of 1s in every byte. These parity bits are ignored, so only the seven most vital bits ofevery byte are used, leading to a key length of 56 bits. this suggests that the effective key strength forTriple DES is really 168 bits because each of the three keys contains 8 parity bits that arent usedduring the encryption process.Triple DES ModesTriple ECB (Electronic Code Book)This variant of Triple DES works precisely the same way because the ECB mode of DES.this is often the foremost commonly used mode of operation.Triple CBC (Cipher Block Chaining)This method is extremely almost like the quality DES CBC mode.like Triple ECB, the effective key length is 168 bits and keys are utilized in an equivalent manner, asdescribed above, but the chaining features of CBC mode also are employed.the primary 64-bit key acts because the Initialization Vector to DES.Triple ECB is then executed for one 64-bit block of plaintext.The resulting ciphertext is then XORed with subsequent plaintext block to be encrypted, andtherefore the procedure is repeated.This method adds an additional layer of security to Triple DES and is therefore safer than Triple ECB,although its not used as widely as Triple ECB.
Question # 3
You start performing a penetration test against a specific website and have decided to start from
grabbing all the links from the main page.
What Is the best Linux pipe to achieve your milestone?
A. dirb https://site.com | grep "site" B. curl -s https://sile.com | grep ˜< a href-\http" | grep "Site-com- | cut -d "V" C. wget https://stte.com | grep "< a href=\*http" | grep "site.com" D. wgethttps://site.com | cut-d"http
Answer: C
Question # 4
Don, a student, came across a gaming app in a third-party app store and Installed it. Subsequently, all
the legitimate apps in his smartphone were replaced by deceptive applications that appeared
legitimate. He also received many advertisements on his smartphone after Installing the app. What
is the attack performed on Don in the above scenario?
A. SMS phishing attack B. SIM card attack C. Agent Smith attack D. Clickjacking
Answer: C Agent Smith Attack Agent Smith attacks are carried out by luring victims into downloading and installing maliciousapps designed and published by attackers in the form of games, photo editors, or otherattractive tools from third-party app stores such as 9Apps. Once the user has installed the app,the core malicious code inside the application infects or replaces the legitimate apps in thevictim's mobile device C&C commands. The deceptive application replaces legitimate apps suchas WhatsApp, SHAREit, and MX Player with similar infected versions. The application sometimesalso appears to be an authentic Google product such as Google Updataer or Themes. Theattacker then produces a massive volume of irrelevant and fraudulent advertisements on thevictim's device through the infected app for financial gain. Attackers exploit these apps to stealcritical information such as personal information, credentials, and bank details, from thevictim's mobile device through C&C commands.
Question # 5
By performing a penetration test, you gained access under a user account. During the test, you
established a connection with your own machine via the SMB service and occasionally entered your
login and password in plaintext.
Which file do you have to clean to clear the password?
A. .X session-log B. .bashrc C. .profile D. .bash_history
Answer: D File created by Bash, a Unix-based shell program commonly used on Mac OS X and Linux operating
systems; stores a history of user commands entered at the command prompt; used for viewing old
commands that are executed.
BASH_HISTORY files are hidden files with no filename prefix. They always use the filename
NOTE: Bash is that the shell program employed by Apple Terminal.
Our goal is to assist you understand what a file with a *.bash_history suffix is and the way to open it.
The Bash History file type, file format description, and Mac and Linux programs listed on this page
are individually researched and verified by the FileInfo team. we attempt for 100% accuracy and only
publish information about file formats that weve tested and validataed.
Question # 6
An organization has automated the operation of critical infrastructure from a remote location. For
this purpose, all the industrial control systems are connected to the Internet. To empower the
manufacturing process, ensure the reliability of industrial networks, and reduce downtime and
service disruption, the organization deckled to install an OT security tool that further protects against
security incidents such as cyber espionage, zero-day attacks, and malware. Which of the following
tools must the organization employ to protect its critical infrastructure?
A. Robotium B. BalenaCloud C. Flowmon D. IntentFuzzer
Answer: C Source: https://www.flowmon.com
Flowmon empowers manufacturers and utility companies to ensure the reliability of
their industrial networks confidently to avoid downtime and disruption of service
continuity. This can be achieved by continuous monitoring and anomaly detection so
that malfunctioning devices or security incidents, such as cyber espionage, zero-days, or
malware, can be reported and remedied as quickly as possible.
Question # 7
Louis, a professional hacker, had used specialized tools or search engines to encrypt all his browsing
activity and navigate anonymously to obtain sensitive/hidden information about official government
or federal databases. After gathering the Information, he successfully performed an attack on the
target government organization without being traced. Which of the following techniques is described
in the above scenario?
A. Dark web footprinting B. VoIP footpnnting C. VPN footprinting D. website footprinting
Answer: A The deep web is the layer of the online cyberspace that consists of web pages and content that are
hidden and unindexed.
Question # 8
Dorian Is sending a digitally signed email to Polly, with which key is Dorian signing this message and
how is Poly validataing It?
A. Dorian is signing the message with his public key. and Poly will verify that the message came from
Dorian by using Dorian's private key. B. Dorian Is signing the message with Polys public key. and Poly will verify that the message came
from Dorian by using Dorian's public key. C. Dorian is signing the message with his private key. and Poly will verify that the message came
from Dorian by using Dorian's public key. D. Dorian is signing the message with Polys private key. and Poly will verify mat the message came
from Dorian by using Dorian's public key.
Answer: C https://blog.mailfence.com/how-do-digital-signatures-work/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_signatureA digital signature is a mathematical technique used to validatae the authenticity and integrity of amessage, software, or digital document. It's the digital equivalent of a handwritten signature orstamped seal, but it offers far more inherent security. A digital signature is intended to solve theproblem of tampering and impersonation in digital communications.Digital signatures can provide evidence of origin, identity, and status of electronic documents,transactions, or digital messages. Signers can also use them to acknowledge informed consent.Digital signatures are based on public-key cryptography, also known as asymmetric cryptography.Two keys are generated using a public key algorithm, such as RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), creatinga mathematically linked pair of keys, one private and one public.Digital signatures work through public-key cryptography's two mutually authenticating cryptographickeys. The individual who creates the digital signature uses a private key to encrypt signature-relateddata, while the only way to decrypt that data is with the signer's public key.
Question # 9
Samuel, a professional hacker, monitored and Intercepted already established traffic between Bob
and a host machine to predict Bob's ISN. Using this ISN, Samuel sent spoofed packets with Bob's IP
address to the host machine. The host machine responded with <| packet having an Incremented
ISN. Consequently. Bob's connection got hung, and Samuel was able to communicate with the host
machine on behalf of Bob. What is the type of attack performed by Samuel in the above scenario?
A. UDP hijacking B. Blind hijacking C. TCP/IP hacking D. Forbidden attack
Answer: C A TCP/IP hijack is an attack that spoofs a server into thinking its talking with a sound client, once actually its communication with an assaulter that has condemned (or hijacked) the tcp session.Assume that the client has administrator-level privileges, which the attacker needs to steal thatauthority so as to form a brand new account with root-level access of the server to be usedafterward. A tcp Hijacking is sort of a two-phased man-in-the-middle attack. The man-in-the-middleassaulter lurks within the circuit between a shopper and a server so as to work out what port andsequence numbers are being employed for the conversation.First, the attacker knocks out the client with an attack, like Ping of Death, or ties it up with somereasonably ICMP storm. This renders the client unable to transmit any packets to the server. Then,with the client crashed, the attacker assumes the clients identity so as to talk with the server. By thissuggests, the attacker gains administrator-level access to the server.One of the most effective means of preventing a hijack attack is to want a secret, thats a sharedsecret between the shopper and also the server. looking on the strength of security desired, the keymay be used for random exchanges. this is often once a client and server periodically challenge eachother, or it will occur with each exchange, like Kerberos.
Question # 10
if you send a TCP ACK segment to a known closed port on a firewall but it does not respond with an
RST. what do you know about the firewall you are scanning?
A. There is no firewall in place. B. This event does not tell you encrypting about the firewall. C. It is a stateful firewall D. It Is a non-stateful firewall.
Answer: B
Question # 11
which of the following Bluetooth hacking techniques refers to the theft of information from a
wireless device through Bluetooth?
A. Bluesmacking B. Bluebugging C. Bluejacking D. Bluesnarfing
Answer: D Bluesnarfing is the unauthorized access of information from a wireless device through a Bluetooth connection, often between phones, desktops, laptops, and PDAs (personaldigital assistant).New Topic: Topic 3, Exam Pool C
Question # 12
Abel, a cloud architect, uses container technology to deploy applications/software including all its
dependencies, such as libraries and configuration files, binaries, and other resources that run
independently from other processes in the cloud environment. For the containerization of
applications, he follows the five-tier container technology architecture. Currently. Abel is verifying
and validataing image contents, signing images, and sending them to the registries. Which of the
following tiers of the container technology architecture Is Abel currently working in?
A. Tier-1: Developer machines B. Tier-4: Orchestrators C. Tier-3: Registries D. Tier-2: Testing and accreditation system
Answer: D The official management decision given by a senior agency official to authorize operation of an information system and to explicitly accept the risk to agency operations (including mission,functions, image, or reputation), agency assets, or individuals, based on the implementation of anagreed-upon set of security controls.formal declaration by a designated accrediting authority (DAA) or principal accrediting authority(PAA) that an information system is approved to operate at an acceptable level of risk, based on theimplementation of an approved set of technical, managerial, and procedural safeguards. Seeauthorization to operate (ATO). Rationale: The Risk Management Framework uses a new term torefer to this concept, and it is called authorization.Identifies the information resources covered by an accreditation decision, as distinguished fromseparately accredited information resources that are interconnected or with which information isexchanged via messaging. Synonymous with Security Perimeter.For the purposes of identifying the Protection Level for confidentiality of a system to be accredited,the system has a conceptual boundary that extends to all intended users of the system, both directlyand indirectly connected, who receive output from the system. See authorization boundary.Rationale: The Risk Management Framework uses a new term to refer to the concept ofaccreditation, and it is called authorization. Extrapolating, the accreditation boundary would then bereferred to as the authorization boundary.
Question # 13
Bella, a security professional working at an it firm, finds that a security breach has occurred while
transferring important files. Sensitive data, employee usernames. and passwords are shared In
plaintext, paving the way for hackers 10 perform successful session hijacking. To address this
situation. Bella Implemented a protocol that sends data using encryption and digital certificates.
Which of the following protocols Is used by Bella?
Answer: C The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard organization convention utilized for the exchange of PC records from a worker to a customer on a PC organization. FTP is based on a customer worker modelengineering utilizing separate control and information associations between the customer and theserver.[1] FTP clients may validatae themselves with an unmistakable book sign-in convention,ordinarily as a username and secret key, however can interface namelessly if the worker is designedto permit it. For secure transmission that ensures the username and secret phrase, and scramblesthe substance, FTP is frequently made sure about with SSL/TLS (FTPS) or supplanted with SSH FileTransfer Protocol (SFTP).The primary FTP customer applications were order line programs created prior to workingframeworks had graphical UIs, are as yet dispatched with most Windows, Unix, and Linux workingsystems.[2][3] Many FTP customers and mechanization utilities have since been created for workingareas, workers, cell phones, and equipment, and FTP has been fused into profitability applications,for example, HTML editors.
Question # 14
Larry, a security professional in an organization, has noticed some abnormalities In the user accounts
on a web server. To thwart evolving attacks, he decided to harden the security of the web server by
adopting a countermeasures to secure the accounts on the web server.
Which of the following countermeasures must Larry implement to secure the user accounts on the
web server?
A. Enable unused default user accounts created during the installation of an OS B. Enable all non-interactive accounts that should exist but do not require interactive login C. Limit the administrator or toot-level access to the minimum number of users D. Retain all unused modules and application extensions
Answer: C
Question # 15
Bob, an attacker, has managed to access a target loT device. He employed an online tool to gather
information related to the model of the loT device and the certifications granted to it. Which of the
following tools did Bob employ to gather the above Information?
A. search.com B. EarthExplorer C. Google image search D. FCC ID search
Answer: D Footprinting techniques are used to collect basic information about the target IoT and OT platforms to exploit them. Information collected through footprinting techniques ncludes IP address,hostname, ISP, device location, banner of the target IoT device, FCC ID information, certificationgranted to the device, etc. pg. 5052 ECHv11 manualhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FCC_markAn FCC ID is a unique identifier assigned to a device registered with the United States FederalCommunications Commission. For legal sale of wireless deices in the US, manufacturers must:Â? Have the device evaluated by an independent lab to ensure it conforms to FCC standardsÂ? Provide documentation to the FCC of the lab resultsÂ? Provide User Manuals, Documentation, and Photos relating to the deviceÂ? Digitally or physically label the device with the unique identifier provided by the FCC (uponapproved application)The FCC gets its authourity from Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations (47 CFR). FCC IDs arerequired for all wireless emitting devices sold in the USA. By searching an FCC ID, you can find detailson the wireless operating frequency (including strength), photos of the device, user manuals for thedevice, and SAR reports on the wireless emissions
Question # 16
Morris, a professional hacker, performed a vulnerability scan on a target organization by sniffing the
traffic on the network lo identify the active systems, network services, applications, and
vulnerabilities. He also obtained the list of the users who are currently accessing the network. What
is the type of vulnerability assessment that Morris performed on the target organization?
A. internal assessment B. Passive assessment C. External assessment D. Credentialed assessment
Answer: B Passive Assessment Passive assessments sniff the traffic present on the network to identify the
active systems, network services, applications, and vulnerabilities. Passive assessments also provide
a list of the users who are currently accessing the network
Question # 17
what is the port to block first in case you are suspicious that an loT device has been compromised?
A. 22 B. 443 C. 48101 D. 80
Answer: C TCP port 48101 uses the Transmission management Protocol. transmission control protocol is one in all the most protocols in TCP/IP networks. transmission control protocol could be a connectionorientedprotocol, it needs acknowledgement to line up end-to-end communications. only aassociation is about up users knowledge may be sent bi-directionally over the association.Attention! transmission control protocol guarantees delivery of knowledge packets on port 48101within the same order during which they were sent. bonded communication over transmissioncontrol protocol port 48101 is that the main distinction between transmission control protocol andUDP. UDP port 48101 wouldnt have bonded communication as transmission control protocol.UDP on port 48101 provides Associate in Nursing unreliable service and datagrams might arriveduplicated, out of order, or missing unexpectedly. UDP on port 48101 thinks that error checking andcorrection isnt necessary or performed within the application, avoiding the overhead of suchprocess at the network interface level.UDP (User Datagram Protocol) could be a borderline message-oriented Transport Layer protocol(protocol is documented in IETF RFC 768).Application examples that always use UDP: vocalisation IP (VoIP), streaming media and periodmultiplayer games. several internet applications use UDP, e.g. the name System (DNS), the Routinginfo Protocol (RIP), the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), the straightforward NetworkManagement Protocol (SNMP).
Question # 18
in an attempt to increase the security of your network, you Implement a solution that will help keep
your wireless network undiscoverable and accessible only to those that know It. How do you
accomplish this?
A. Delete the wireless network B. Remove all passwords C. Lock all users D. Disable SSID broadcasting
Answer: D The SSID (service set identifier) is the name of your wireless network. SSID broadcast is how your router transmits this name to surrounding devices. Its primary function is to make your networkvisible and easily accessible. Most routers broadcast their SSIDs automatically. To disable or enableSSID broadcast, you need to change your routers settings.Disabling SSID broadcast will make your Wi-FI network name invisible to other users. However, thisonly hides the name, not the network itself. You cannot disguise the router's activity, so hackers canstill attack it.With your network invisible to wireless devices, connecting becomes a bit more complicated. Justgiving a Wi-FI password to your guests is no longer enough. They have to configure their settingsmanually by including the network name, security mode, and other relevant info.Disabling SSID might be a small step towards online security, but by no means should it be your finalone. Before considering it as a security measure, consider the following aspects:- Disabling SSID broadcast will not hide your network completelyDisabling SSID broadcast only hides the network name, not the fact that it exists. Your routerconstantly transmits so-called beacon frames to announce the presence of a wireless network. Theycontain essential information about the network and help the device connect.- Third-party software can easily trace a hidden networkPrograms such as NetStumbler or Kismet can easily locate hidden networks. You can try using themyourself to see how easy it is to find available networks “ hidden or not.- You might attract unwanted attention.Disabling your SSID broadcast could also raise suspicion. Most of us assume that when somebodyhides something, they have a reason to do so. Thus, some hackers might be attracted to yournetwork.
Question # 19
What is the first step for a hacker conducting a DNS cache poisoning (DNS spoofing) attack against an
A. The attacker queries a nameserver using the DNS resolver. B. The attacker makes a request to the DNS resolver C. The attacker forges a reply from the DNS resolver. D. The attacker uses TCP to poison the ONS resofver.
Answer: B https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNS_spoofing DNS spoofing is a threat that copies the legitimate server destinations to divert the domain's traffic.Ignorant these attacks, the users are redirected to malicious websites, which results in insensitiveand personal data being leaked. It is a method of attack where your DNS server is tricked into savinga fake DNS entry. This will make the DNS server recall a fake site for you, thereby posing a threat tovital information stored on your server or computer.The cache poisoning codes are often found in URLs sent through spam emails. These emails are sentto prompt users to click on the URL, which infects their computer. When the computer is poisoned, itwill divert you to a fake IP address that looks like a real thing. This way, the threats are injected intoyour systems as well.Different Stages of Attack of DNS Cache Poisoning:- The attacker proceeds to send DNS queries to the DNS resolver, which forwards the Root/TLDauthoritative DNS server request and awaits an answer.- The attacker overloads the DNS with poisoned responses that contain several IP addresses of themalicious website. To be accepted by the DNS resolver, the attacker's response should match a portnumber and the query ID field before the DNS response. Also, the attackers can force its response toincreasing their chance of success.- If you are a legitimate user who queries this DNS resolver, you will get a poisoned response fromthe cache, and you will be automatically redirected to the malicious website.
Question # 20
what firewall evasion scanning technique make use of a zombie system that has low network activity
as well as its fragment identification numbers?
A. Decoy scanning B. Packet fragmentation scanning C. Spoof source address scanning D. Idle scanning
Answer: D The idle scan could be a communications protocol port scan technique that consists of causing spoofed packets to a pc to seek out out what services square measure obtainable. this can beaccomplished by impersonating another pc whose network traffic is extremely slow or nonexistent(that is, not transmission or receiving information). this might be associate idle pc, known as aœzombie .This action are often done through common code network utilities like nmap and hping. The attackinvolves causing solid packets to a particular machine target in an attempt to seek out distinctcharacteristics of another zombie machine. The attack is refined as a result of theres no interactionbetween the offender pc and also the target: the offender interacts solely with the œzombie pc.This exploit functions with 2 functions, as a port scanner and a clerk of sure informatics relationshipsbetween machines. The target system interacts with the œzombie pc and distinction in behavior areoften discovered mistreatment totally different|completely different œzombies with proof of variousprivileges granted by the target to different computers.The overall intention behind the idle scan is to œcheck the port standing whereas remaining utterlyinvisible to the targeted host.The first step in execution associate idle scan is to seek out associate applicable zombie. It mustassign informatics ID packets incrementally on a worldwide (rather than per-host it communicateswith) basis. It ought to be idle (hence the scan name), as extraneous traffic can raise its informatics IDsequence, confusing the scan logic. The lower the latency between the offender and also the zombie,and between the zombie and also the target, the quicker the scan can proceed.Note that once a port is open, IPIDs increment by a pair of. Following is that the sequence:offender to focus on -> SYN, target to zombie ->SYN/ACK, Zombie to focus on -> RST (IPID incrementby 1)currently offender tries to probe zombie for result. offender to Zombie ->SYN/ACK, Zombie tooffender -> RST (IPID increment by 1)So, during this method IPID increments by a pair of finally.When associate idle scan is tried, tools (for example nmap) tests the projected zombie and reportsany issues with it. If one does not work, attempt another. Enough net hosts square measurevulnerable that zombie candidataes are not exhausting to seek out. a standard approach is to easilyexecute a ping sweep of some network. selecting a network close to your supply address, or close tothe target, produces higher results. youll be able to attempt associate idle scan mistreatment everyobtainable host from the ping sweep results till you discover one that works. As usual, its best toraise permission before mistreatment someones machines for surprising functions like idlescanning.Simple network devices typically create nice zombies as a result of {they square measure|theyre}normally each underused (idle) and designed with straightforward network stacks that aresusceptible to informatics ID traffic detection.While distinguishing an acceptable zombie takes some initial work, youll be able to keep re-usingthe nice ones. as an alternative, there are some analysis on utilizing unplanned public internetservices as zombie hosts to perform similar idle scans. leverage the approach a number of theseservices perform departing connections upon user submissions will function some quite poors manidle scanning.